About the Journal
Aims and Scope
Interdisciplinary Engagement: Khuwailid encourages interdisciplinary collaboration by welcoming contributions from various fields, including but not limited to humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, technology, and the arts.
Innovation and Exploration: The journal seeks to publish innovative and thought-provoking research that pushes traditional disciplinary boundaries. We welcome articles that explore new perspectives, methodologies, and paradigms.
Global Perspective: Khuwailid aims to provide a global platform for researchers, scholars, and academics worldwide. The journal is committed to representing diverse voices and perspectives, fostering a global dialogue on important issues.
Rigorous Peer Review: All submissions undergo a rigorous double-blind peer-review process to ensure the highest academic excellence and integrity standards. This process helps maintain the quality and credibility of the research published in Khuwailid journal.
Areas of Interest
el-Khuwailid encompasses a wide array of topics, including but not limited to:
- Linguistics and Language Studies
- Sociology and Anthropology
- Literature and Literary Studies
- Philosophy
- Science and Technology
- Environmental Studies
- Cultural Studies
- Political Science
- Economics
- Psychology
- Education
Publication Frequency
el-Khuwailid journal is published bi-annually (March & September) to ensure a steady flow of quality research and accommodate the diverse topics covered in each issue.
Open Access Policy
el-Khuwailid journal provides immediate Open Access to its content, driven by the belief that making research freely accessible facilitates a broader global exchange of knowledge. This means that individuals can freely access and utilize the articles for various purposes, including reading, downloading, copying, distributing, printing, searching, or using them in any lawful manner, provided that proper acknowledgment of the authors and citation of the articles are given.